Green Key
Eco-labelling specifically for hotels
A more sustainable society
Green Key is a leading international eco-label in the tourism industry with more than 2,900 eco-labeled sites in 57 countries worldwide. Green Key is supported by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
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How does it work?
An accommodation facility or conference venue that is eco-labeled with Green Key is one that actively works to minimize its environmental impact. For example, they may work to achieve certain environmental benchmarks such as reducing energy and water consumption, implementing renewable electricity, embracing waste sorting and recycling systems, and engaging in the purchase of eco-labelled cleaning products. Furthermore, eco-labelled locations are increasingly demanding more organic, fair trade and/or locally-produced foods each year. The facilities will also regularly train and inform their staff regarding environmental and other sustainability-focussed issues, briefing them about the ongoing work with Green Key. In addition, the facilities engage in various forms of social and environmental responsibility, such as communication and collaboration with guests and other stakeholders.
There are mandatory Green Key criteria that must always be met, as well as what are called “scoring” criteria. The criteria are adapted to the nature of the venue (i.e. accommodations and conference centres) and are constructed so that more and more of the criteria are reached every year.
The criteria are primarily designed to reduce the hotel’s direct environmental footprint, but also to inform and encourage guests to pay attention to the facility’s actions and ambitions. It is through this information campaign that participating members strive to involve their guests in reducing the environmental impact of the facilities in general. The Green Key criteria are designed to create dialogue about product selection and product development between suppliers and other relevant stakeholders. The staff are also heavily involved in environmental work.
Green Key in Sweden
Green Key has existed in Sweden since 2000, when it was run regionally in Hälsingland. In 2003, the NGO Stiftelsen Håll Sverige expanded it nationally. Since 2016, Green Key Sweden has driven the Green Key operation through collaborations with Håll Sverige Rent and FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). Håll Sverige Rent sits on the Swedish board of Green Keys and in the jury in which Visita, SCR Swedish Camping, and the Swedish Tourist Association and Swedish Ecosystems are also represented.
You can see all Green Key-branded sites in Sweden here.
Environmental Goals:
At Nova Park we continually work to reduce our environmental footprint.
We have for example climate compensated our Co2 footprint for 2021.
Our goal for 2021 was to reduce our electric and energy usage, water usage and the usage of office paper.
Since last year was heavily affected by the pandemic, with fewer guest as a result the numbers are somewhat difficult to evaluate. We have during 2021 reduced our electricity usage with 28% and our energy usage with 11%. We also reduced our water usage with 52% and office paper usage per guest with 18%.
Our goals for 2022 is to continue to reduce our energy and water usage as well as reducing the emission of green house gases even further.
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